I believe that the success or failure of a new starter to our industry is linked to their first exposure to mining in Australia. Currently about a third of people that get a start in the industry, last less than 2 swings (a swing is the days you spend on site). That works out to…
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Why 80% of the jobs on Hardrock mines have to be filled with Australian citizens
One of the biggest misconceptions about the Australian hardrock mining industry is, that it’s full of overseas workers on 457 visas. When the reality is that all the blue-collar jobs (about 80% of jobs on site) are all classed as unskilled labour by the Australian government. This means the employers can only hire Australian citizens…
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Why the Western Australia Hardrock Underground Mining Industry is seen as world’s best practice
Lots of people around Australia know someone that works “in the mine’s”. What isn’t as well know is that the system of work (the mines inspectors like to call it this) we use to run our mines, is seen as world’s best practice. What makes this industry extra special compared to others, is the number…
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How Australia has become the Iron Bank to China
Just as the Iron Bank supplies gold to the Lannister’s to pay their debts (a Lannister always pays their debts), so too China is now offering gold as payment. If you are selling oil or other commodities to China and don’t want the Yuan as payment, you can exchange it for gold. Australian gold. This…
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